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Let's face it: we do not always like our family of origin!

Sometimes, we feel like aliens. We look at them and think: "What am I doing here!?"

But what if I told you that your soul chose your family for a reason?

Understanding this can provide profound insights into your life's purpose and challenges.

The Soul's Path and Karma

Our soul evolves over a series of lifetimes through different stages of development, and when it incarnates into a family, it has particular work to do.

The task is either to progress in soul growth or to clear incomplete karma from earlier lives. Mostly, it is the latter, where the incomplete karma can be personal or inherited. The fulfillment of these tasks becomes necessary for your soul to move further.

If these go unfulfilled, you will return to the earlier stages of soul development.

I remember feeling so utterly alien within my own family, as though I were on a different frequency than all of them. (and -now I know- I surely am!)

It wasn't until I got into numerology and found out why I landed in my family that things began to fall into place.

It helped me understand the issues of my family dynamics, which settled once I realized which lessons or karmic debts I had to deal with.

Numerology and Soul's Contracts

A soul contract is an agreement that the soul makes before incarnating, which specifies the kinds of experiences and lessons needed to be fulfilled during this lifetime to continue its evolution.

Numerology offers some very powerful tools to uncover personal and ancestral karma, which can clarify why you were born into a certain family.

Once you get the key to understanding influences from your paternal and maternal sides, you can connect the dots and determine the tasks that you need to fulfill for your soul to find peace.

And that is the moment when the reason for your presence within a family becomes clear

Understanding the karmic reasons behind your life's challenges will bring you peace and clarity.

It explains why you've had to go through so many tests and trials and shows you the path to releasing karma.

This is fundamental for the evolution of your soul and will make you feel lighter and more at ease with your life.

This Matrix Tell You (almost) Everything

How can numerology tell you about your family and ancestors?

Numerology is a complex discipline, far beyond the "angel numbers" and the 11:11 seen on the clock. When practiced correctly, it can be life-changing.

The Matrix of Destiny is a geometric numerology chart where the placement and combination of numbers are crucial for their interpretation.

From your birth date, using this matrix, we can read your karma and the karmic patterns you have inherited from your father and mother.

Upon seeing my Matrix for the first time, I was genuinely amazed at how accurate its revelations were. It was literally pointing out certain karmic debts and patterns that influenced my life up to this point.

For instance, leadership and authority issues with a paternal link were consistent on my chart.

This helped me understand the issues well enough to address them consciously, move beyond them, and see them from a distance while evolving in a direction that felt completely and deeply aligned with what my soul desired.

So Why Did Your Soul Choose Your Family?

The answer lies in the unique combination of karmic lessons and opportunities for growth they provide.

Believe it or not, your family is a catalyst in the development of your soul because it presents just the right conditions that may assist you in dealing with past karma and traumas.

Ancestral karma shapes your experiences by being passed down through generations.

These inherited challenges become obstacles in your own life. By resolving your karmic debts, you not only improve your life but also assist your entire lineage in their spiritual healing.

I often felt burdened by issues that seemed beyond my control, especially concerning family dynamics.

But when I learned about the concept of ancestral karma, it was like a lightbulb went off.

I believe this is why I broke most of the negative cycles and patterns in the family that had gone on for generations.

This empowered me, and the feeling was great to go on with the changes!

How About Violent, Abusive Families Then??

Did your soul choose that? 

It’s a complex answer that can’t be fully explained in a blog post, but I can say this: it’s all related to the different stages of soul development and residual karma from past lives.

Even in the most absurd, unfair, and painful situations I hear from friends and clients, there's a deeper spiritual context.

I also see the most beautiful Souls emerging from these challenges.

We're talking about reincarnation here: nothing to do with guilt or deserving these situations.

Unfortunately, and luckily at the same time, our souls often must undergo some tests and challenges. 

Taking the Next Step

Understanding your karmic patterns shines a stronger light on your soul's purpose, allowing you to navigate life with greater clarity and direction.

If you're ready to uncover the secrets behind your family patterns and personal struggles, I offer personalized numerology decodings based on the Matrix of Destiny.

This type of decoding deeply investigates personal and ancestral karma, allowing you to gain a clear vision of your karmic duties and how your unique soul agreed to these tasks before incarnating in this lifetime.

Gaining this understanding will allow you to begin the journey toward karma release, the evolution of your soul, and living a more fulfilling life, aligned with your higher purpose.


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