I hear so much on social media that karma is “what goes around comes around” or “the law of cause and effect.”
It would be wonderful if it were THAT SIMPLE!
Unfortunately, it’s not. While it’s comforting to think of karma as a straightforward system where good actions yield good results and bad actions lead to bad consequences, the world of karma is much more complex.
The truth is that the law of cause and effect is just the tip of the Karma Iceberg!

So, What Is Karma and How Does It Work?
The word “karma” is a Sanskrit word that literally means "action."
So when we talk about karma in the spiritual world, think about it as a “baggage of actions”—the sum of all actions and experiences of all the lives of a soul. And because our thoughts, actions, and intentions are all energy, like anything else existing in the universe, we can confidently say that NOTHING we do or think is ever destroyed. It can only be saved and transformed.
Indeed, it gets stored in your karma, and you transform it through new, more or less conscious, actions. We continuously interact with the universe through our energy.
Depending on our karmic baggage and how we interact with the universe through our actions, we either worsen our karmic debt or lighten it.
Karma Doesn’t Mean Curse!
One of the most common misconceptions I hear in conversations and on social media is: “I’m having a difficult time, I guess karma is punishing me.”
Well, first of all, karma is not an external entity but part of a person’s energy.
Karma doesn’t punish anyone: it’s not a synonym for a curse!
If you think in terms of energy, we create everything that seems to happen to us.
Nothing happens "to us" in reality; what we see is a projection of our inner world.
Karma Is Not Disempowerment or Guilt
Another myth associates karma with sin and the sense of guilt that some religions promote: "I need to behave well, so I'll go to heaven"
Of course, you can see it this way, but my perspective is quite different.
Discovering your karma means getting closer to your soul’s purpose.
And discovering your soul’s purpose is the opposite of feeling guilty or staying silent in the corner! It’s about empowerment and alignment with your highest self.
It’s about turning your current life upside down and following what you came to do in this life, which is often buried under piles of karma.
And it’s not only your own karma you’re dealing with.
Yes, even if you’re a pure and virtuous soul without personal karmic debts in this lifetime, you might have inherited the karma of your ancestors.
Reflect on the repetitive cycles in your family.
Do they think in terms of scarcity, always complaining about how much things cost and how poor they are, instead of finding ways to leverage their talents and make money?
Do you catch yourself doing the same, even though you have a good income and can afford almost anything you desire?
That’s an example of ancestral karma you inherited.
Can We Inherit Good Karma?
Of course! However, good karma rarely gets attention because it puts us in a state of flow and grace.
Think about being born into a family that is loved and appreciated by everyone because they are heart-opened and giving. Your community will see you as part of that family, and you’ll be loved and supported, most likely continuing the patterns you learned from your parents. This is a case of projecting good karma into the universe and creating love, compassion, and support.
We always talk about negative karma, hence the popular association of karma with guilt, sin, and curses.
And if you think about personal and ancestral karma, both from this lifetime or previous lifetimes, you’ll realize how complex it can get.
Why Does Karma Even Exist?
Souls need to get closer to the Divine; it’s their nature.
But because they incarnate in human bodies, they become subject to human behaviors that keep them stuck in earthly pleasures, vicious circles, crimes, and, well, the list is infinite!
Karma, as a baggage of actions, and its laws, which govern how these actions interact with the universe, exist to ensure that humans release their heavy karmic baggage and become light enough for their souls to return to ALL THAT IS, where they originated.
Beyond "What Goes Around Comes Around": The 12 Laws of Karma
The law of cause and effect is just the tip of the karma iceberg.
You have at least 12 (twelve!) laws that regulate how your baggage of actions interacts with and creates your reality.
These laws are the rest of the iceberg, as I’ve illustrated in the graphic below:

What You Give is What You Get: Your actions and energy return to you -cause and effect.
You Create Your Own Reality: You shape your life by your intentions and efforts.
Accept What Triggers You: What triggers you in others is also inside you and will persist until you face it.
Dedicate Time and Effort to Spiritual Growth: Evolve your soul, that’s your purpose.
Own Your Actions: You’re responsible for your life, no one else.
Everything Is Connected: Every action affects the whole universe.
What You Focus on Expands: Where your mind goes, energy flows.
Live Your Truth: Align your actions with your authentic self.
Live in the Present Moment: The present is all that exists.
Break the Cycle: Patterns repeat until you learn the lesson.
Persist and Be Rewarded: Stick with your purpose, and success will follow.
Act with Purpose and Passion: Do meaningful work, and you’ll be rewarded.
But Wait: Isn’t This a Mix of Law of Attraction and Other Spiritual Concepts?
Yes! I told you karma isn’t bad!
Understanding karma and its laws provides profound insights into the workings of the universe and your place within it.
It’s not about punishment or reward but about growth, learning, and evolving.
My Experience with Karma
For years, I ran in circles, not learning my lessons and forcing things to go the same way over and over.
Until, thanks to yoga, meditation, daily inner work, past life regressions, and numerology analysis of my personal and ancestral karma, I understood the reasons behind much of my suffering. I understood why I was born into such a messy family, and most importantly, I understood my place in the world.
I no longer feel like I’m in the wrong movie, as I did until my mid-30s!
Becoming aware of your karmic debts also gives you the tools to release them.
It lightens your baggage and your life. Without that heavy anchor, you’ll start seeing things very differently.
You’ll see things you never saw before and flow through life in harmony with your soul's purpose.